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Biyernes, Mayo 31, 2013


Because of You


Each morning, I wanted to see
The beauty of your love for me
In every answer to my demanding plea
My heart leaps for joy and glee

All sacrifice you always do
In order for me to fearlessly go
My heart’s desires and dreams, you know
All you want for me is to perfectly grow

Even though pain tears your heart
You never complain on your part
You do love me unceasingly
And nothing in this world can do it equally

Everything I need you always provide
Your appreciation and gladness, you never hide
You lead and guide me to the right path
You never miss to share advice that you had

Because of you, my dear parents
I became tough and grew without resentments
I’m ready to face this challenging world
Your teachings I’ll carry until I grow old.


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Author: Mohammad
Mohammad is the founder of STC Network which offers Web Services and Online Business Solutions to clients around the globe. Read More →

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